showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardrank
Circus Charlie  Soft Pro (Konami)1986labelimageminimize
Family School  Tokyo Shoseki (Tokyo Shoseki;Toppan Printing)1987labelimageminimize
Kid Icarus  Nintendo1987labelimagesubject
Momotarō Densetsu: Peach Boy Legend  Hudson Soft1987labelimageminimize
Kid Kool  Vic Tokai1988labelimagesubject
Paperboy  Mindscape;Elite;Altron (Mindscape)1988labelimagesubject
Shoukoushi Ceddie  Fuji Television (Graphic Research)1988labelimageminimize
Little Red Hood  Joy Van;Sachen;HES (Thin Chen Enterprise)1989labelimagesubject
Adventures of Tom Sawyer  Seta (Winky Soft)1989labelimageminimize
Monster Party Bandai (Human)1989labelimagesubject
Circus Caper  Toho (Advance Communication Company)1989labelimagesubject
Square no Tom Sawyer  Square1989labelimageminimize
Kiteretsu Daihyakka  Epoch1990labelimageminimize
Little Nemo: The Dream Master  Capcom1990labelimagesubject
Jumpin' Kid: Jack to Mame no Ki Monogatari  Asmik (Now Production)1990labelimageminimize
Paperboy 2  Mindscape (Tengen)1991labelimagesubject
Home Alone T*HQ (Bethesda Softworks)1991labelimageminimize
Day Dreamin' Davey  HAL Laboratory (HAL America)1992labelimagesubject
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York T*HQ (Imagineering)1992labelimageminimize